About The Mid-Bay Bridge Authority
The Mid-Bay Bridge Authority (“Authority”) was created in 1986 pursuant to Chapter 86-465, Laws of Florida (“LOF”), amended by Chapter 88-542, LOF, recodified as Chapter 2000- 411, LOF (the “Act”), and amended by Chapter 2023- 347, LOF. The Authority is an Independent Special District of the State of Florida.
The Authority was established for the purpose of and having the power to plan, construct, operate, and maintain a bridge traversing Choctawhatchee Bay and other such transportation facilities that become part of its system. The Authority also has the power to fix, charge, and collect fees, tolls, rents and charges for the use of the system and facilities, and is further authorized to issue bonds and exercise eminent domain powers. Through a lease-purchase agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation (“Department”), the Department operates and maintains the system and the Authority reimburses the Department from toll revenues, when available.
The Authority consists of five voting members appointed by the Governor. The District Three Secretary of the Department is an ex-officio non-voting member of the Authority. The Authority employs only two staff members, an Executive Director and an Administrative Assistant.